Practicing Faith Worship Series
Health care helps us remain physically actively involved in our communities and in our relationships with others. To remain healthy, we are encouraged to watch what we eat, get plenty of rest, and exercise regularly. When we forget, or stray too far from what’s needed, we need reminders to get back on track. Spiritual care helps draw us into a living, active relationship with God for our spiritual health. We need to watch what we take in, get regular doses of worship and praise, and exercise spiritual disciplines regularly. And when we get off track, we need reminders.
This series, Practicing Faith, will act as a series of exercises encouraging each of us to try some exercises; a series full of gentle reminders. Each week will focus on a particular spiritual practice, or spiritual discipline that can help create room to experience Christ and the table of abundance he offers. Although not mandatory, each week the sermon will encourage us to engage in a spiritual practice; to actively exercise during the following week. (You may have already heard in your nurture classes about finding a partner for the spiritual companions practice ahead of time, so you’ll be prepared to explore that discipline.) Each practice is designed to create a room where Christ can invite us to feast with him.
There will be bookmarks to help keep track of individual progress, and as a way of marking our communal progress, individuals can add a color-coded strip of cloth to a hanging visual at the back of the sanctuary before each service to mark their participation. All are encouraged to workout during this series of exercising for our spiritual health with exercises for the soul.
This series will be seven Sundays – October 13 through November 24th
10/13 Fasting/Making Room; Terry Zehr
10/20 Spiritual Companions/Walking Together; Neil Amstutz
10/27 Prayer/Tuning In; Cindy Voth
11/3 Celebration/Enjoying Life (All Saints Day Ritual); Neil Amstutz
11/10 Scripture Study/Digging Deeply; Cindy Voth
11/17 Hospitality; Madeline Smith Kauffman
11/24 Gratitude; Neil Amstutz