Sunday Worship Services

Sunday Worship Schedule

Worship - 9:00 a.m.
Nurture Hour - 10:30 a.m.

Live Stream


Waterford Mennonite Church

65975 State Road 15
Goshen, IN 46526

Tel: 574-533-5642

Online Anabaptist Prayers

We celebrate that everyone is created in God’s image, and as followers of Jesus we welcome people of every age, ability, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status, socio-economic situation, gender identity, and citizenship status as full participants in the life of our congregation.

February Worship Series

Anabaptism at 500

During the month of February we join in the 500th anniversary celebration of the Anabaptist movement. Each Sunday worship servic will focus on a different aspect of our Anabaptist story.

For more details, click here