YAF: Young Adult Fellowship

Welcome to YAF!

The Waterford YAF is a group is for people who are:

  • working or in school,
  • living at home or living on their own,
  • partnered or single,
  • questioning or certain of faith,
  • social or introverted

We recognize that being a 20-something can be confusing and sometimes-very-lonely time of life.  It means adulting for the first time while also navigating changing relationships with parents and caregivers.  It is also often a time of exploration, study, deconstruction and reconstruction.

Waterford has a number of adult “coaches” who plan and guide YAF activities and are available for anything from life questions, a shoulder to cry on, a good laugh, or for when your car breaks down and you need to borrow a tool.

Current YAF activities include:

Monthly Socials: Once a month food and activities hosted by Greg and Judy.

Neurodivergent Support Group: This is open to anyone in our group who identifies as someone with autism, ADHD, Asperger’s, anxiety, depression, OCD, or any other neuro-spicy label. Join us for one hour of conversation and support about living in a world that was not created for our brains. This group meets 2nd Wednesdays at the church and is led by Emily and John.

Game Night + Haystacks: Third Wednesdays from 6:00-8:30 at church. This is an all-church-community-boardgame-and-haystack-potluck-night.  Bring a favorite board game and a haystack topping to share. Hosted by Mark and Krista.

All Church Potlucks: Our young adults love a homecooked meal and look forward to first Sunday-potlucks.  Come enjoy the delicacies of the Waterford community contributions!  Come hungry and bring something to share

Sunday School class: Our young adult Sunday school meets across from the library at Waterford from 10:30-11:30.  Pastor Katie leads us in sharing + conversation, comforter knotting, and spiritual discussion. All perspectives are encouraged to be brought to the table.

Email emhunsber@gmail.com (she/her) for more information about YAF activities